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Factors shaping the psychology of teenagers.


Factors that form the psychology of male and female teenagers. This exciting period, full of transformations, is an important stage in an individual’s life, as his body and mind change dramatically. There are several factors that affect the psychological development of teenagers, and these factors include:

1 – Hormonal changes

One of the most prominent factors that affect the psychology of teenagers is hormonal changes. Teenagers are exposed to major hormonal fluctuations that affect their mood and behavior, and cause fluctuations in feelings and emotions, as the secretion of hormones such as estrogen and testosterone increases. These fluctuations affect body development and mood, causing fluctuations in emotions and behaviors. Hormones also affect sleep and appetite, and play a role in gender identity formation and sexual development. These hormonal changes help determine the physical and mental identity of an individual during adolescence.

2 - Social pressures

Teenagers face multiple and significant social pressures. They live in an environment full of expectations and pressures from friends, family, and society. The desire to conform to standards of beauty, academic performance, and pressures to fit in socially are high.

. These pressures may affect self-esteem and feelings of acceptance, and create feelings of anxiety and stress. Challenges of integration and conformity with different groups may be a source of stress that affects the psychological development of teenagers.

3 – Emotional and social changes

Emotional and social changes in teenagers constitute an essential part of their psychological development. Teenagers go through the stage of forming personal identity, which makes adapting to these changes a major challenge. They begin to explore social relationships and develop communication and interaction skills with others, which affects the formation of their self-image.

Emotions fluctuate wildly, as they experience periods of excitement and extreme agitation followed by periods of sadness or depression. They try to understand and deal with their new feelings in the context of social relationships, which can affect their interactions and communication with others.

Social pressures such as belonging to certain groups or pressure to succeed in romantic relationships also influence teenagers' social emotions and behaviors. Coping with these changes in social and emotional relationships can be difficult, but it contributes to their development as mature people who are able to interact properly with the world around them.

4 - School and professional pressures

School and career pressures are a large part of the adolescent experience. They face multiple challenges in the educational environment, such as the pressure of academic performance and balance between study and personal life. The desire to excel and the pressure to succeed can affect your level of stress and anxiety. In addition, teens begin to think about their future careers, and this can be a source of stress. Career choices and college directions may cause feelings of anxiety and uncertainty about the future. These pressures may affect concentration, self-confidence, and self-esteem in teenagers. Providing appropriate support and guidance in dealing with these pressures can help relieve stress and improve the ability to adapt and make important decisions in their future lives.

5- Adapting to technology and social media

Technology and social media have become an essential part of today's teenagers' lives. They rely on smart devices and apps to communicate and interact with the world around them. These means provide them with a way to express themselves, share their interests and ideas, communicate with friends, and build social relationships. With such heavy reliance on technology, some challenges may arise. The long time they spend in front of screens affects the quality of sleep and mental health. Social media can also cause psychological stress due to the comparison of virtual life with reality and the constant need for belonging and recognition, in addition to negative effects on sleep and real social interactions.

The balance between taking advantage of technology and maintaining a healthy mind and body is a challenge. Teens need to understand limits and moderate their use of technology to enjoy its benefits without negatively impacting their mental and social health.

6 - Physical and mental changes

The adolescence period is full of major and rapid physical and mental transformations that lead to feelings of tension and discomfort. Physically, there is rapid growth and changes in physical structure and physical abilities. Hormones change, causing development in sexual and physical characteristics such as voice, hair, and skin changes.

Mentally, changes occur in the brain and thinking. New abilities appear in logical thinking, comprehension and analysis. However, there may be fluctuations in mood and behavior as a result of hormonal changes and mental shifts.

These physical and mental changes make adolescence exciting and challenging. Teenagers need to understand these changes and appropriate support to adapt to them so that they can overcome this stage with confidence and psychological strength.

7 - Social and family support

At this important age, social and family support plays a crucial role in adolescent growth and development. Emotional support and support from family and friends can have a huge impact on a teenager's mental health and sense of self-confidence.

The family provides safety, emotional support, and guidance during this sensitive period, and plays a role in enhancing self-confidence and providing advice and guidance in making difficult decisions. Social support from friends and the surrounding community helps build social relationships and enhance a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Social and family support enhances the ability to adapt to the challenges and pressures that teenagers face, and contributes to enhancing their mental health and their sense of stability and confidence.

8 - Culture and surrounding environment

Culture and surrounding environment play an important role in shaping adolescent development. The values, customs and traditions that prevail in the environment surrounding them affect their identity and thinking. Values and beliefs vary from culture to culture, affecting teens' perception of the world and themselves.

Cultural influences appear in language, thinking, and everyday practices. There may be tensions between traditional values and the new aspirations of teenagers, creating internal tension.

The community surrounding them constitutes a source of support and influence, as they learn from interaction with its members and absorb its values and orientations. Compatibility or conflict between societal values and personal values may affect the attitudes and behaviors of teenagers.

Understanding the culture and surrounding environment helps in understanding the formation of personal identity and coping with the challenges resulting from diverse cultures and different social interactions

The challenges of adolescence are an essential part of personal growth, and understanding these factors can help provide teens with the support and guidance needed to be more adaptive and psychologically strong during this crucial period in their lives.

عن الكاتب

Mohamed Eldmerdash كاتب و مدون مصرى أتمنى نشر الوعى و العلم و المعرفة بين الجميع لنصبح مجتمع واعى مثقف.


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